A fun, steep, almost-scramble to a peak right next to I-90 with some good views at the top. This one is great for a quick weeknight workout so you can avoid weekend crowds.

Quick Facts:
Distance: 6.5 miles roundtrip
Elevation Gain: 3100 feet
Location: Ira Spring Trailhead, I-90, Mount Baker Snoqualmie National Forest
Season: Early Summer-Late Fall
Dogs Allowed: Yes
Parking Pass: Northwest Forest Pass or America the Beautiful Pass
Check the weather: mountain-forecast,
Check for recent trip reports: WTA, AllTrails


Getting there:
Click here for the TH location on Google Maps
This trailhead has great accessibility from Seattle since it’s only 4 miles off of I-90. Unfortunately those 4 miles are on a forest road that gets somewhat rough in places with some large potholes. The condition of the road changes from year to year, so be sure to check recent trip reports to see if there are any major obstacles, but typically it is passable by all types of vehicles with some care.


View of Mason Lake & Mount Defiance from the summit ridge, June 2020


Blooming bear grass, June 2020

Hike description:
The first 2.7 miles of this trail are the same as the hike to Mason Lake. It’s a wonderful, smooth trail through the woods that crosses several small streams before taking a bridge over fast-flowing Mason Creek. As you continue you’ll emerge onto some open talus fields and begin to have nice views of the peaks across the interstate, and eventually Mount Rainier.

At 2.7 miles you’ll reach a signed intersection. You want to take the right hand trail to Bandera Mountain, which immediately begins to climb steeply. The trail to the summit is a real workout, gaining 1000 feet in only half a mile. This portion is very rocky, but generally you can find good footing and will only occasionally need to use your hands. If you time your hike right in early to mid-Summer, this area will be full of blooming bear grass. After about 0.25 miles you’ll reach the false summit at the top of the steepest portion. You briefly re-enter the woods here before emerging onto the final ridge to the summit.


Turnoff to the Bandera Mountain trail, June 2020


Trail near the summit, June 2020


One of the steepest portions of the trail, June 2020

This portion of the hike is really beautiful. Ahead of you the trail climbs its last bit to the summit. To your right you can see across I-90 to wonderful views of Mount Rainier and nearby peaks, and on the left you can look deeper into the Alpine Lakes Wilderness and get an aerial view of Mason Lake. On a very clear day, you can look behind you and see the Seattle skyline and all the way to the Olympics. You should definitely continue on to the summit so you can say you’ve been there, but I think this last ridge approach is where the nicest views are. There are some good places here to settle down off the trail and take a break while you take in the sweeping views.

Be careful with your footing and use hiking poles if you have them as you descend the trail, particularly on the portion right before the intersection with the Mason Lake trail as footing here can be tricky. From there it’s a quick and easy hike back to your car, and if you’re on the trail in the evening you may be lucky enough to watch the sunset light up the entire valley below.

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